Tag Archives: I find peace in the pages of a paperback

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.”
Diane DuaneSo You Want to Be a Wizard


Welcome to a new week. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Grab your cold drink and enjoy today’s dose of daily trivia, our deal of the day, and more.

cover up what the government is still hiding about the war on terror

Today we have the book Cover Up: What the Government Is Still Hiding About the War on Terror by Peter Lance on sale for you. This is a New hardcover book. Amazon gives the following description:


Ever since 9/11, investigative reporter Peter Lance has been leading the fight to expose the intelligence gaps that led to 9/11. Now, in the follow-up to his bestselling 1000 Years for Revenge, he returns with devastating new evidence that the government has been covering up its own counterterror failures since the mid-1990s — and continues today.

In Cover Up, Lance shows how the government chose again and again to sacrifice America’s national security for personal motives and political convenience. In its first half, he unveils shattering new evidence that terror mastermind Ramzi Yousef ordered the bombing of TWA 800 from his prison cell in order to effect a mistrial in his own terror bombing case. Astonishingly, the FBI was alerted to Yousef’s plans in advance by a prison informant who even passed along his detailed sketch of a bomb-trigger device — a document seen here for the first time. And Lance reveals the shocking reason the Justice Department suddenly ruled the crash an accident despite overwhelming evidence of the bombing — throwing away its best chance to penetrate the cell that was already planning 9/11.

And the outrage doesn’t stop there. In Part II, Lance offers an unofficial “minority report” on the 9/11 Commission, critiquing it as the incomplete, highly politicized “Warren Commission of our time.” He explores potential conflicts of interest among its members, from the staff director who wrote a book with Condoleezza Rice, to the former Clinton deputy attorney general who participated in a critical meeting that upended the TWA probe. He exposes the report’s false contention that the 9/11 plan was conceived in 1996, when the FBI had knowledge that the plot was in motion as early as 1994. And, in a heart-stopping, minute-by-minute chronicle of the attacks, he asks dozens of unanswered questions about the defense failures of that day — from why fighter jets weren’t scrambled for almost an hour after the hijackings, to why the president and several of his top military advisers remained virtually incommunicado for more than half an hour after it was clear that America was under attack.

At a time when America feels no safer than ever, Cover Up will lend new eyes to readers who want the full story behind the 9/11 attacks — and inspire us all to keep demanding the truth.



National Nude day, which is now International Nude day, is not a public holiday but a day to celebrate the human form. National Nude Day is a way to keep cool on a hot, sticky summer day. So, take it off today……take it all off. There are a sizable number of nudist groups around the world. They are not perverts. Rather, Nudists believe that the body is a beautiful thing, and meant to be displayed. Nudist colonies, nude beaches, and other venues exist to cater to the preferences of individuals who seek to walk around “au natural”. Our bodies are the only things we own, be proud of them no matter what shape or size you are.


If you’re looking for a day to get crazy, July 14th is the day for you because it’s Pandemonium Day. On this day, you have an excuse to get crazy so long as the craziness you create is both fun and legal. Everyone has a day like this once in while. Its a day when all sort of unexpected things occur. Its a time when everything is happening at the same time, and at a very fast pace. Don’t let today, or any other day shake you up. If Pandemonium prevails, just go with the flow in a calm, cool manner. Sanity will return soon enough…..we hope.


Bastille Day is the name given in English-speaking countries to the French National Day, which is celebrated on the 14th of July each year. In France, it is formally called La Fête Nationale. It commerates the July 14, 1789 storming of the Bastille fortressprison that was seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern nation, and the reconciliation of all the French inside the constitutional monarchy which preceded the First Republic, during the French Revolution. Festivities and official ceremonies are held all over France. The Fête de la Fédération on the 14 July 1790 was a huge feast and official event to celebrate the uprising of the short-lived constitutional monarchy in France and what people considered the happy conclusion of the French Revolution. The Bastille Day MilitaryParade is the French military parade that has been held on the morning of 14 July each year in Paris since 1880. This is a popular event in France, broadcast on French TV, and is the oldest and largest regular military parade in Europe. In some years, invited detachments of foreign troops take part in the parade and foreign statesmen attend as guests. Celebrations are held in many places around the world including over 50 U.S. cities.


On this day in 1798, the Sedition Act became law in the United States, making it a federal crime to write, publish, or utter false or malicious statements about the United States government.


Jane Goodall arrived at the Gombe Stream Reserve in present-Tanzania on July 14, 1960 to begin her famous study of chimpanzees in the wild.


Some of the writers born July 14th include:

Poliziano (1945), Caspar Abel (1676), William Oldys (1696), Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (1743), Mordecai manuel Noah (1785), Owen Wister (1860), Gertrude Bell (1868), Scipio Slataper (1888), Alexander M. Volkov (1891), Garimella Satyanarayana (1893), Irving Stone (1903), Pavel Prudnikau (1911), Arthur Laurents (1918), Leon Garfield (1921), Robert Creamer (1922), John Chancellor (1927), Peggy Parish (1927), E. V. Thompson (1931), Pema Chödrön (1936), Jerry Rubin (1938), George E. Slusser (1939), Susan Howath (1940), Maulana Karenga (1941), Christopher Priest (1943), L. Brent Bozell III (1955), Robert Jensen (1958), Joe Keenan (1958), Phil Rosenthal (1963), Brian Selznick (1966), Ranj Dhaliwal (1976), Kirsten Sheridan (1976), and Aqeel Ahmed (1987).


Exactly a century ago today the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was born. Ford served from 1974-1977, and prior to this was the 40th Vice President of the United States from 1973-1974. He was the first person appointed to the Vice Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, after Spiro Agnew had resigned. When he became president upon Richard Nixon‘s resignation on August 9, 1974, he became the first and to date only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected by the Electoral College. Ford presided over the worst economy in the four decades since the Great Depression, with growing inflation and a recession during his tenure. One of his more controversial acts was to grant a presidential pardon to President Richard Nixon for his role in the Watergate scandal. Following his years as president, Ford remained active in the Republican Party. After experiencing health problems, Ford died in his home on December 26, 2006. Ford lived longer than any other U.S. president, living 93 years and 165 days, while his 895-day presidency remains the shortest of all presidents who did not die in office.  Continue reading

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